A Good Place For Fat?
Can you imagine?
In an article I read, they euphemistically called it 'White Matter'. Which, for me, has a decidedly better ring than 'fat', don't you agree? Think about it, "I've added some white matter to my hips," Perhaps that conjures up a visual of a run in with a bottle of baby powder, a concealing of cocaine, or some other such nefarious activity, rather than a couple of inches.
'Bottle' of baby powder?
Absolutely know that bottle is the incorrect word, but for the life of me I can't, as I type this, retrieve the correct word. Jar of baby powder? Box of baby powder? Perhaps, by the time I finish this, it will come to me.
Which brings me back to White Matter.
This article, "The Grown Up Brain: Sharper Than Once Thought," is a comforting concept. And that white matter (aka, fat) well it apparently coats the tails of brain cells and in middle age (which they consider 40-65) peaks. And the inability to find that elusive word, name, place is simply an issue of retrieval not memory loss.
As for aiding and abetting in keeping those little fat cells doing what they need to do-- you need to stimulate them. Not with an offer of a cocktail or two and a bit of a horizontal romp, but with exercise and mentally challenging activities.
And as to the correct descriptor as to how talc is packaged... Container seemed to be the word of choice for a few folks that I polled. That doesn't quite click for me. I will mentally challenge myself, while I run up and down the stairs, do deep knee bends, and weight lift, to stimulate the retrieval of the right word.
And, as a bonus, lose the bad and add the good white matter.